Cancer claims incorrect

01 Jun 2018Media Releases

Media reports that women will only be covered for breast cancer treatment under the most expensive health fund policies are wrong, PHA Chief Executive Dr Rachel David said today.

“These claims cause unnecessary concern and stress for health consumers.

“Health funds have worked with the Government, hospitals, doctors and consumers to develop a plan that makes it easier for people to choose and use the products that are already available, which will be released in coming months.

“The aim of the gold silver bronze classification is to make it easier for consumers to understand the products on offer by health funds. It is a classification system aimed at improving transparency for consumers.

“Health funds have not agreed to change what is already covered in existing products. This sort is scaremongering does nothing more than cause stress for people already concerned about their healthcare.

“I urge consumers to contact their health fund if they need to clarify anything about their policy and not to rely on unsubstantiated claims,” said Dr David.


Media contact: Jen Eddy 0439240755